
CEO Connect is Create Every Opportunity’s proprietary web-based platform that allows users to get the most robust financial literacy, entrepreneurship and life skills education in one place.

Learn with CEO Connect

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Overview of Services

Access 300+ Lessons and Modules

Lessons range from financial literacy topics like budgeting and taxes to entrepreneurship based lessons like business basics and leadership. With over 300 lessons, CEO offers schools every option they can imagine. Contact us today to get the full list of lessons we offer.

Connect with Students and Teachers

CEO Connect always students to engage with teachers via private chat and also always teachers to manage the classroom via public and private chats. Teachers can now coordinate discussions and pin topics for students with our new options.

Login Anywhere via Smartphone or Computer

CEO Connect can be accessed whether you are in the classroom or wanted to go through modules at home. 24/7 support is always avaliable via phone and email, as well as access to teachers from schools across the country who utilize The CEO Program.

Check Out Our Brand New Feature Global Connect

Global Connect always schools and students to interact with our industry leaders. Whether they are offering webinars, office tours or internships, check out these exclusive offers only found on CEO Connect.

Help Teachers Organize Calendars and Schedules

CEO Connect allows teachers to organize calendars for students by prioritizing lessons and modules for specific dates, as well as lock lessons and add in original content for student assessment.

Self Grading and Exclusive CEO Content

Along with having a self grading content for assessments, CEO Connect helps organize important data on what your students are struggling with. In addition, CEO Connect offers exclusive podcast, news and content for schools and students.

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